Roblox — Car images getting blocked, even though there is nothing inappropriate related to them

Hello, Roblox. I am BBCPebbleMill, username SpinningGlobeCorp. I have personally came here to file a complaint related to images. I was importing images of cars from my computer’s file, and placed them into my project, only for a few of the images I placed in to not be there, as they happened to be blocked for no adequate reason. There is absolutely NOTHING inappropriate about these images, and this is also happening to other people, who post images related to logos and vehicles too. I’ve had this problem before, where I placed an advert for the Ford Cortina Crusader in, I ended up needing to reactivate my Roblox account, because I was violating the terms and conditions, and that the image was inappropriate. I need to say: STOP THIS NOW, or you will need to lose a player. It’s very simple what you should do. Next time you see an image of a car, logo, or advertisement, think twice before blocking. Take a few good looks at the file, and you’ll see there is absolutely nothing inappropriate about the files. This is BBCPebbleMill signing off.

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