Robin Potskin — Edmonton, Canada

This woman met my husband on Plenty of fish. They had an online relationshi, texting etc for 3 months before I found out. I found her because she started using his name on Facebook. I messaged her and told her he was married. She claimed she didn’t know, apologize for, broke up with him then less then a week later they were back together. He eventually left me and went to Canada with her. He wasn’t happy and within two weeks was ready to come home. She was constantly stalking my Facebook, taking screenshots of everything she could and showing him. She constantly belittled him. He was her slave cooking, cleaning and caring for her children. Finally after almost 2 months he came home. Even now she still contacts him daily and me, still checks for anything on social media she can to send him . She acts like they are still together and he is here with me. She is really crazy so watch out for her men and ladies.

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