Robert Pflieger — Oregon

I started a relationship with Rob about three years ago. I had just gotten out of an abusive relationship and thought I found a knight in shining armor. Well if a lazy, jobless expensive liar is what you want feel free to take him. He lied from the get go about where he was going while I was at work, HE never had a job until recently, which his mommy paid for him to get his contractors licence. Did I mention he lives in the garage on his moms property and that he is 45? no, well this ones a reall winner. I found him sending d*** pictures on FB, calling and hooking up with his ex’s, he was still on dating sites and hooking up with anyone who will send him an email. So This ******* is a real POS. He made me feel like I was doing something wrong when i went to work to support his a**, he never let me go out with friends and always made me feel like I was a bad person, well its true what they say, guilt makes you blame the other person. So SCREW YOU ROB, I hope you get an STD and rot in ****. Did I mention he is the most self absorbed man I have ever met? he fake tans, dyes his hair, and spends more money at Sallys Beauty supply in a week then i have in my life. He is faker then a barbie… high maintenence princess PS. you cant f*** to save your life, I couldn’t stand faking it anymore anyway.

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