Robert Martin — Milford, Michigan

Dr. Robert Martin is a married 64 yr old doctor. He has been using his profession and trust to take advantage of women young enough to be his kids that were going through issues in their life. He has molested many women that he has seen for mental or major life changing issues. He finds out their weakness and then prays on them. He uses his trust to weasel his way into their lives then continues right into their beds. He’s a major alcoholic and has been getting away with this for years due to his position of power and authority. One women claimed she was threatened by him when she realized he’d been doing this to multiple women and she asked him about it. He is a sick sociopath that prays on women at their weakest time of life. He knows their married, engaged, have partners and he has a total disregard for any of this. He’s lied to his employer and has pulled the wool over the eyes of so many. Karma will follow him all though his days. He’s destroyed more families and caused more children to loose their family.

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