Robert D Peters — Oregon

A scam artist! Will use woman for money! He says he’s a house flipper. When in reality he does not work at all! He has been in prison for 20 years. And come to find out he lives with a woman. He’s a very good liar and he will act like he really cares about you and then he will start getting money from you. This man is 6 foot one,black. And a good looking guy. But don’t let that fool you his heart is evil. He will tell you lie after lie and he is very convincing. He sleeps with many women watch out for him!

2 thoughts on “Robert D Peters — Oregon

  1. This man has a mental condition. He’s an alcoholic, and is mentally ill. If you’re with him for any amount of time you will see that. I was with him for over two years and found out that he was actually living with another woman he was coming to my home And had met all my family members said we were getting married gave me a ring. Come to find out he had given a ring to the woman he was living with that he said was his secretary. The man has no job! What would he need a secretary for. He was also physically abusive to me when he drank . He owes me a lot of money and A family member of my money. I’ll probably never see it. But I’m going on the Internet to blast this person. I have been in contact with three other women that he has been with and done the same thing to you he lured you in. And it may take him a while to get money out of you but he will do it. He will drink and become angry and a very scary person.

    1. Yes I met this man on line! He goes by Shuan. Not his real name! His real name is Robert. He goes on dating sites to scam woman! Love scam! He will tell you anything he wants you to hear! He is very good at it! Watch out! He likes to tell every woman he’s going to marry them or acts like they’re the only one. You cannot change this man don’t think you can.

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