Changing your name a little still doesn’t make you any prettier on the inside or outside. If you think Riley Anderson, the gweniveerie/cannagwen is an attractive person, just take a stroll through her thumbnails on her attempts to make money. It’s really hilarious to see someone boast about how the *** worker world makes so much money and then beg on her Twitter how she only has a dollar to her name. Hmm, something not adding up? Drug addiction somewhere in there? Who knows! Maybe she’s just bad at her job! And now she wants her rent frozen for something that doesn’t affect her at-home *** worker job, poor baby. de, Talk about someone who doesn’t have her **** together. Not to mention, boasts about her rope gf who has given her the only content to get her attention, and then secretly **** talks her on Reddit (and then deletes it, of course, what a keeper). What a waste of people’s time and money.