Rickey Jensen — Redding, California

This is Richard Jensen aka Rickey Jensen. Richard is a womanizer , he forces women to give him *** and turns around and says he got taken advantage of. Rickey also likes to control and beat women. He has STDs and likes to pass it around. Rickey likes dating girls that are married . He sees it as a challenge. Rickey also has a long term spouse and cheats on her. Rickey also loves to have threesomes with his best friend Andy and his wife Gabrielle. Gabby and Rickey always have this secret relationship and Andy don’t mind sharing his wife. Rickey also does major drugs . He lives off other people and doesn’t even has his own place. He calls women ***** and puts women Down . He always hangs out at the cottonwood bar and has *** with women in the parking lot than beats then afterwards. Cottonwoods finest.

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