Rick Morey — Atlanta, Georgia

Rick Morey is an Australian who is in the U.S. illegally. He manipulates and takes advantage of single women in this country. He randomly meets women, befriends them, makes them emotionally attached to him, travels to their city out of the blue with no warning, tells them lies and sob stories, and relies on them financially. De His family is not in contact with him. He absolutely has no money. He is not able to financially support himself at all. His current Meal Ticket is supporting him, paying his rent, food, entertainment, and petrol. He is the world’s biggest freeloader. He wears makeup. He still visits singles websites and message boards, and participates in cyber and phone *** with strangers, even though he is currently with his latest Sugar Mama in a high-rise condo on Peachtree Street, NE in Midtown Atlanta, GA. He has no health insurance and no car insurance. He sued his ex-wife in Seattle for support. He likes to pose on-line as women. He worked at a *** club in Seattle, WA and also worked as a male prostitute in Seattle. He does this as well in Atlanta. Rick Morey has no real friends. He hooks up with people (mostly women) and sponges off of them until they get sick of him. He meets total strangers in coffee houses and bars, and freeloads coffee and meals. He leaves no kind of trail. If you try to research information and individuals he says he knows, nothing comes up, or the people say they haven’t heard from him, or of him, in years and years. He has no bank accounts. Just lives hand to mouth with cash he makes.

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