Rick McEachran — Ottawa, Canada

Rick McEachran is the biggest **** talking goof that people will come across. He runs several gossip groups on Facebook where he talks **** about everyone, friends, family, his neighbors, even kids. When he’s not with his wife he’s out at the hotel with a tranny from back pages taking it up the rear or doing it at his office with his boss. The goof beats his kids, snorts lines of pepsi and lives in a room above his parents garage. The goofs a *** and nothing more.

1 thought on “Rick McEachran — Ottawa, Canada

  1. This entry has been authored by a former member of the Ottawa Stolen Bikes Group you can find on Facebook. I am the founder and lead administrator of this page that has supported the local community in reporting and retrieving stolen bikes since 2016. When members are outed as bike thieves or colluding with unsavoury individuals believed to be criminally active, they are removed and blocked. This entry was made the day after our administrative leads determined it was necessary to remove a member reported by Ottawa Police to be a known bike thief that was trolling the FB page. After several taunts, threats, received by myself and other members, his FB account was suspended.

    Out of respect for the above referenced individuals privacy, I will not post his name. I simply wished to provide a statement to protect my public integrity and the good work that our Stolen Bikes Ottawa page has done over the years.

    PS – My parents reside over 1000km away, be extremely long drive to my home and work if I lived in their basement!

    Kind regards,

    Rick McEachran

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