Richard H. Sindel — St. Louis, Missouri

Do not hire Sindel and Noble Law Firm in Clayton, MO

Richard Sindel will steal your money and you will get what the prosecutor offers or you will go to prison. Richard Sindel does not win trials, instead he’ll use you as what is known as franchise, as he will continue to ask for money telling you what he can do for you or your loved ones then gets you to plead quilty. Richard Sindel will not return phone calls, emails or mailed letters. Currently he’s under investigation by the attorney disciplinary board for theft and un-ethical practices.

There have been other complaints against him as you can find in public records, lexis Nexis and

Richard Sindel claims to be good in s*x crimes but my family member, Ramori Rogers sits in Tucson Arizona; a federal prison waiting to have his conviction reversed for ineffective assistance of counsel. Ramori Rogers plead gUilty after Richard sindel made him sit in county lock – up for 25 months forcing a plea.

Richard sindel revoked Ramori Rogers state bond without notice and refused to give the money back to Mr. Rogers, after already taking $8,000 for Ramori Rogers state case. and then withdrew from the case. A public defender took over and had the charges dismissed for $25.00.

If you hire Richard smdel. you or your loved one will lose money. as well as your freedom. Of course, he’s going to deny this, but it’s all public records. Do your own research, Don’t be Ramori Rogers,

Richard Sindel will retire soon and will take your money with him before doing so, Please do not lose your money. Do not hire Richard H. sindel of Sin del and Noble,

To view any documents or learn more; you can write Ramori Rogers #45663-044 at USP Tucson PO Box 24550, Tucson, AZ 85734, I’m sure he’ll love to help out another,

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