Ricci Lyn Legault — Sarnia, Canada

Iv been with this girl.. she broke my heart. I was maddly in love with this girl i was not a **** thing i wouldnt have done for her. Unfortunatly for me she didnt feel the same. Use me she did she fuking was living with some other guy while i was in jail. Fuking other dudes not even the one she was living with there was others. We continued on and off for years. My high school sweetheart she was. But once again she ripped my heart in two!!!! She said she was leaving me because i had lied. Truth is she thoaught i was on drugs. Yet again the truth being i hadnt been i hadnt touched drugs for weeks then maybe a couple months. I had never touched a drug since. I tried to tell her but no matter she was convinced i was lieing. Little did i relize that this wasnt the problem. One cause it wasnt true two because later i would learn she was. Oh yeah you read right she was the one doing drugs not me. Turned out she was fuking my bestfriends…. thats right friends… not just my best friend. My bestfriends some whom would soon to be my enemies. You want to hear the best part. One night im at the titty club. I meet a gentlemen i forget his name but not important. Really cool guy by the way. He dressed nice. He cleaned up nice. Had his hair done professionaly. Was from a foriegn country of some sort had dark skin nice eyes. He could have been italian lol. We get to drinking and a few lap dances blah blah blah time gose on we hang out the night ends. We are out side having a smoke. He looks at me and askes…. whats your name again i cant remeber i?… i replied” Cody Nash” i dont know why but i had a feeling to say my first and last name and thats not something i usally do… he stops he says hey you knew a girl named ricci-lyn right??? I said i do we still talk from time to time we dateted?… i was thinking in the back of my mine dont tell me this another sucker that fell for her… turns out she caught her fuking around with me and the other guy she lived with and others so he left her… i say hey man how ironic i left her cause i caught her living with that dude and fuking around with other guys but i never knew about you. Funny part is how well we got along afther that we just sat and talked about how normal guys like us could help other helpless guys like our old selves from future women like this ricci-lyn legualt. Men im warning yeah stay away she will cheat on you lie to you and do all thoese things you dont want girls to do she aint worth it good ***** but thats all shes good for recently had a baby and i bet that she has it a year and ita gone if not that kid is going to grow up thinking its normal to have 30 dads and not know which one is its dad x30. Yeah so in conclusion *** you ricci-lyn you have been exposed

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