Rhonda Lynn Starkey — Edmonton, Canada

DE, hear this dirt here…. She’s a thief, a *****, a crack head, and a dirty little washed up and worn out junkie. This little stunned bumper biotin ditch pig likes to snort Pepsi and smoke crack in her beat-up car on a dirt road with guys she meets POF and tinder, while her fiancé who called it off once already because she cheated on him while he was away. Her rotten teeth and weathered leather face prove it. She’s a *** guzzling abortion queen. She was so dumb, she managed to *** her way through to 3rd-year pipefitters, stole the final exam cuz she ran out of instructors to ***, and FAILED!! Hahahaha ( oh that makes me laugh so intensely ) the poor little **** stain she’s got now is sucked right in by her scandalous ways. Had the guy search for courses to perform better in the sack. What fuking wide ***** she must have. She likes to talk big but really she’s just a loudmouth who needs to be put in her place. She’s open to gang bangs as long as the crack is available to me. But josh is probably taking an online course for that too. What a sin. Take this as a PSA for all citizens of the Edmonton and South Cooking Lake areas. She stayed in a friend’s basement and would bring so many dudes over that she got kicked out because she was such a Pepsi *****. Leaving crack pipes and sh1tty panties laying around. Just doing the right thing, so take this as a PSA and run for the hills if you see her coming. Or at least have a bottle of spray mine with you. Her breath and mouth are that BAD!! She must think *** is a teeth whitener. Stupid *****!!!

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