Renjie Pajarillo — California

let me introduce you to Renjie Pajarillo aka “Renjworld” formally “Renjtown”. This stupid fukboy barber walks around town bouncing from barbershop to barbershop acting like he’s a prophet in the industry. Ever seen a barber act like he’s better than everyone else? Look no further than this dip ****. He use to call himself Renjtown until he decided to take a trip to Europe to cut at a shop for a week and came back and changed his name to “Renjworld”. He posts videos about how famous and great he is in the industry and likes to put down those around him. This kid was bullied his whole life and all of a sudden he learned how to cut hair and now he walks around with a crown on. Word on the street is that he got fired for stealing thousands of dollars from the last shop he was at and now he’s cutting out of an apartment in downtown LA. Looks like RENJWORLD is getting demoted BACK to RENJTOWN because he can’t afford to pay his bills. Its apparent why he wears those horns on his head, he’s a devil, thIef, traitor, and coward. Keep selling the things you stole online so you can stay in your closet apartment Renjie! The barber community will never let this go . Ciao BROKETOWN!

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