Renee Veilleux Thibodeau the truth — Maine

Renee likes attention and cheating with other guys. Just because it’s not physical don’t mean it’s not cheating. She has made her husband feel like dirt and that he’s not good enough. She also makes it all his fault and blames him. This is not the only time she’s done this and he’s tried for years to make things work. He has even cause himself to have major heart issues and stress issues all because he’s trying to be with the woman he loves but that obviously don’t care about him or there kids as they have taken a backseat to her new love interest. She uses her phone all day at work for the new guy but ignores her husband all together. When she gets home she either streams video games or goes to his stream on twitch. That it uses social media like snap/twitter/Facebook and a lot of discord chatting and voice chat with her new man while her family is basically non existent to her. How can you cheat lie and hide things knowing it’s killing your partner and ruining your marriage and family and yet not even care at all. She even forgot her husbands birthday this year because of other guys and yet remembered her new guys birthday and even sung him happy birthday. She needs to be outed for who she is and all she’s done and everyone needs to see the truth about her and her friend as well. The only ones who suffer and are hurt are her husband and kids as they have lost there wife and mother to some loser online who has nothing to offer her. And I’m sure as she has done before she has the support of her mom in this.

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