Regina Marie Koehler — Chicago, Illinois

Regina Marie Koehler is 55 years old, resides in Chicago, IL and is known as ‘312Gina’ on Instagram and Twitter. This frequently intoxicated woman is trouble. She has been trolling online for years now, with one of her main targets being live streaming actor Joe Symon. Regina has stalked Joe on Twitter under @312Gina and is the crazy woman behind the troll account @404JoeShow, an account that falsely paints Joe Symon as a scam artist and fraud. To make matters worse, when Joe was touring with his live stream show, and made a stop in Chicago, she had heard that he was going to be at a certain gay bar in BoysTown. As Joe was being served drinks “on the house” by a flirtatious, overbearing middle aged woman, he became more and more paranoid that something felt off. His instincts were right when she cornered him and told him that she was “312Gina” on both Twitter and Periscope Apps. Joe felt extremely threatened and duped and left the bar. Regina has a habit of stalking and harassing a man she doesn’t know in what seems to be a fun activity for her. She even went as far as to compare Joe to Jussie Smollett claiming he has a false victimhood, which I find particularly interesting considering she’s not a victim of anything and therefore is doing nothing more than slandering Joe Symon. As a matter of fact, Regina has a habit of commenting on everything concerning Joe including things that are irrelevant to most people like how tall he is for example. It seems that Regina is more than obsessed with participating in the spreading of malicious lies and adult bullying with her extensive history of doing so, especially considering she spent more than enough time on a Reddit smear campaign board about Joe Symon making sure every small minded opinion she had concerning Joe was heard, also under the name 312Gina because she has no creativity. However, since Regina does love a nasty comment about how someone looks, I’ll be more than happy to give my own personal opinion. I find it fascinating that someone who thinks so highly of themselves as Regina clearly does with her endless posting of selfies, in outfits that are much like Saran wrap and ill fitting for someone of her weight and age, strongly resembling a posh wrapped sack of potatoes and sporting caked on makeup that gives her a corpse like appearance, is online constantly concerning herself with someone who wants nothing to do with her, pushing her agenda as if anyone would care. Regina is extremely desperate for people to pay attention to her and her comments. I’m simply helping to spread her strong desire to pull one over on the internet and be the center of attention. Happy Blogging!

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