Rebecca Furneaux — Dirty Lying Grub

Idk who posted this loser first but they were leaving out ALOT about this nasty weirdo… This girl is the biggest compulsive liar in Hamilton! This girl goes around acting as if her EX BF/ Baby’s dad first daughter is hers… Hunny she’s never been yours. You an your ex have been broken up for a year you don’t see the little girl NOR is she even aloud to be ALONE with ANY child, While this girl was giving birth to her daughter she freaked out on the hospital staff an told them to “get this effing baby out of me now before I kill us both” then Proceeded dto punch the nurses… She lost her daughter because of that. Then this other chick Becca was staying with was trying so hard to get this girls life back on track but all she cared about was smoking dope and partying. She didn’t show any remorse to her daughter being in the nicu for the first few months of her life… WITCH WAS CAUSED BY this LOW life constantly smoking poppers while she was pregnant… Poor baby never even had a fighting chance. I first hand know this girl owns one bra and two pairs of underwear… in witch she doesn’t wash, I know this cause I offered to wash her clothes for her an she said “no I’ll be fine” then stayed at my house for a week straight… She barely showers, She has s*x with ransoms for money an dope. She’s honestly so ignorant, She’s now trying to take her baby dad to court for the “domestic abuse” that never happened while they were together… odd that after a year your now just remembering he “Beat” you… weirdo. This is all apart of hers an her traitor park trash family’s plan to ATTEMPT to get her daughter home. Witch I find is just so funny cause didn’t your mom an step dad just beat you witch is why cas said you couldn’t stay with them? Like Becca honestly girl take that little girl out of your bio an stop trying to be someone your not. Your not a mother to V or YOUR OWN DAUGHTER…


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