Rebecca Freack — Newfoundland, Canada

She is only 19 years old and she wreck that many family’s it crazy. Here is my story I am soon due to have my baby boy in 2-3 weeks time. When I was only 3 mouths pregnant she was dating my baby’s dad newphew and after a while she started flirting with my man and after a while he ended up leaving me and pushing me and our unborn child to the side and also my 6 mouth old at the time. After 4 mouths or so she ended up leaving him and stupid me regive him and we started on planing on the future for our family and once again she see us being happy and she started again on him about a week ago and now when I am so close to my due date he left me again for her and never told me anything about it. He also got 3 more kids with is other ex in which he use to see. But Rebecca had other plans and destroy him ever seeing them also. She will go out her way and get what she wants and don’t matter if u got kids or not. My ex boyfriend is 41 and she is only 19 and she only use older men for money and if he got kids she make sure he don’t have nothing to do with them . This is not her first time doing this she done this before. I think it’s time for her to stop ruining families

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