Rebecca Em Beckles — Los Angeles, California

So this woman decided to come between my marriage knowing my husband was married with 4 children. She would text him, call him and even go on dates while his family was home. I survived a near-death experience and that has taken a toll on our finances. He decided to get a second job at Disneyland in costuming…well 2 months after, this woman started to talk to him. They added each other on social media, even going on dates, staying longer than they should have after work, coming home at 2 or 3 in the morning every single day. This woman knew he was married yet had the audacity to be kissing my husband, taking him on dates, taking him to eat meanwhile, I was laying in a bed holding on to dear life. She lives in Whittier but works at Disneyland. Be careful with your husband’s working there, I’m sure if she did this to my family she would do it to someone else’s… if she hasn’t yet already. I can only imagine how many other families she has broken. She goes by Rebecca Em or Rebecca Beckles.

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