Read Customer Service Reviews of Wise

Wise is a London-based financial technology company founded by Estonian businessmen Kristo Käärmann and Taavet Hinrikus in January 2011.

1 thought on “Read Customer Service Reviews of Wise

  1. 1. I still haven’t got the 4400 Euro refund from Wise yet. transaction id: 387756903

    First, I sent the fund to Wise with 4350 Euro on 29 March and 50 Euro on 31 March from Rosbank. I want to do the conversion from 6000 Euro to USD but Wise cancelled it automatically without informing me.

    It has been 13 days now, I still haven’t got the 4400 Euro refund from Wise since April 07. Please check the attachment, there is no detail of the bank that wise transferred to.

    2. I still haven’t got the 500 Euro refund from Wise yet. transaction: 374702757

    First, I sent the fund to Wise with 500 Euro on 5 March from Raiffeisen bank. I sent this fund from Wise to CIM bank, but CIM bank(Swiss) refunded this to Wise. Then I did the conversion from 500 Euro to USD with this fund but Wise cancelled it automatically without informing me.

    It has been 39 days now, I still haven’t got the 500 Euro refund from Wise since March 15.

    In addition, so far I do not get any response for this since the first time I filed this issue with Chats or emails. Wise did not pay serious attention to this issue for about 20 days until now. I found the news that Wise suspended operations on the transfer to Russia. Maybe this issue is related to the news.

    Please escalate this issue as soon as possible or I will report this issue for further action.

    1. Please check where is the 4400 Euros now. I would like to know which bank wise transferred the funds to? Is this a refund or transfer? I have checked with Rosbank(Russia), they didn’t get any funds for this. Please let me know where the money is now.

    2. Please check where is the 500 Euros now. Please check the attachment, there is no trace id I can refer to. Is this a refund or transfer? CIM bank also told me they didn’t receive the fund. Please check where is the money now.

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