Raylen Lampreau – Kelowna, Canada

this girl literally fuked over her ex, left him high and dry, accused him of cheating and abuse. Which isn’t true, she cheated on him numerous times and when she left last Sunday, she broke a strong man!!! She tends to hope on any **** that’s offered. Probably gets paid for it too. DE LISTEN UP ***** IM ON YOUR FACEBOOK AND GUESS WHAT, YOUR EX IS TOO **** NICE TO DO THIS BUT I FUKING WILL CALL YOU OUT!!!! She had the obesity to say he was lying when he told her he has stage 2 lung cancer, which he actually does!!!! GROWTH *** UP TALK TO YOUR MAN, DONT PLAY THE GAME.. YOU ARE MEANT FOR HIM AND HES MEANT FOR YOU, STOP PLAYING MIND GAMES AND WORK IT OUT SHE WORKS AT THE REZ TIMMIES IN KAMLOOPS BY THE COP SHOP GUYS DO YOURSELF A FAVOUR AND AVOID HER AT ALL COSTS, YOUR MORE THEN LIKELY TO CATCH SOMETHING!!!!

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