Rackspace.com — WORST Web Host!

My company Buycheapsoftware.com hosted with RackSpace starting in August 2007 to September of 2016. It is very expensive hosting, but I wanted the best so I paid $4,000 per month. It was not a good experience and it is not the best. I would avoid using this company at all cost, look at everyone else. Our website went down (I am not exaggerating) about ten times per year due to their own hardware problems. I kept telling them to replace the junk RAM, but they did not agree that was the issue. Well, I finally got them to replace the RAM and wow that was the problem all along that had cost my business over $300,000 in lost sales over the problem period. They would actually fight with me over hardware server upgrades that they should have been doing anyway. On numerous occasions, the managers would promise me a free month or two for all the downtime and 404 errors BUT I never got one penny in refunds or credits to our account, instead, they would always work hard to upsell me on more services. We closed on Sept 2nd, 2016 and now Rackspace is aggressively after me for a $1,111.00 account balance that I told them I would not be paying at the time we closed. As far as I am concerned they still owe me for about months of refunds which is about $20,000 plus another $300,000 in lost sales and customer goodwill. Wow!

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