Rachelle Kinnamon — Franklin, Indiana

Shelly had an affair with a man at her place of employment. The man’s wife also worked in the same place. Shelly met the woman’s husband at lunchtime in the Lowes parking lot just to give him Blow jobs. The man never saw her for more than fifteen minutes at a time. He never took her to dinner or lunch just the quickie during work hours. Never bought her one gift. The whole time Shelly would smile in the woman’s face at work and even bring her fountain sodas. Shelly knew that the married couple had a three year old son. She started the affair by messaging him on Facebook and agreed that she would be okay with just being the side hoe. She fell in love with the woman’s husband. In my opinion she also faked a pregnancy and miscarriage. This woman had an extra cell phone! Watch out ladies!!!

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