Rachel Erin — Minden, Louisiana

My husband and I had finally moved into our own house. With that being said, we started trying for another baby. I found out I was pregnant the 28th, that night he went frog gigging and I asked him to take one of our children because I didn’t want to go. The next day I’m at work, and this guy shows up asking who’s truck that was. It was mine, he pulled me outside and said your man was out f**king my ole lady last night. I’m like who is that. De he says Rachel something. I’m like I don’t know who that is. Then I said wait, Rachel Erin?? Yea her. I thought, no way, she’s ugly. I soon have a miscarriage and I’ve seen where she’s talking to my husband still. I finally told her, you have a man, we’re not friends, we’re never going to be friends, stop texting and calling my f**king husband, and no you can’t call me. She kept on and on. She stopped after I made Jeff tell her to leave us alone but I still had the feeling.

Months later, I finally got the truth out of him. He really did. I started asking the girl questions, and the next day she was like I can’t keep talking to you my fiancé is having a hard time with it and it bringing up memories. Blah blah blah. She said she felt bad that he told her we were getting a divorce. *****, you obviously didn’t feel too f**king bad to ***** around on your man. I hope ALL her relationships fail. The pain of losing a baby and an unfaithful husband on top of it is unbearable. And I wouldn’t wish it on anyone except that *****. It’s not fair that she gets to be happy and I suffer all this pain. Rachel, I hope you come across this. You are nothing but trash. And that’s all you ever will be. Keep your legs shut *****.

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