— Don't use Pro Pay

I have used Pro Pay due to my affiliation with another company for a little over a year now. Not only do I pay an annual fee to use this service, but every time there is a transaction Pro Pay earns money from it. Recently, a customer made a purchase on my personal website and it went through Pro Pay for over $200.00. I shipped the products purchased to the customer and went on with my day. Over 10 days later, Pro Pay email me letting me know that there is a chargeback on my account from this customer that is disputing the transaction. So, basically, I got scammed by this customer, and Pro Pay instead of defending their customer (myself), is taking the money from my account to pay back the scammer. In addition, I end up losing tax and shipping expenses. De There is no future for this company with such poor customer service. Please don’t waste your time and money, and use other similar companies that will fight to protect their customers from frauds like this. I also use other companies for my transactions, and I have been very pleased with them when a situation like this arises. Don’t use Pro Pay, and their customer service is terrible!!!

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