LADIES DONT TALK TO THIS MAN RIGHT HERE!!! ANUBIS RODGERS or calls himself the PRINCE ANUBIS he is a liar you have met before he will take your money and use you like a used tissue he will tell you he loves you and he will use you for all your money and your car and you will never hear from him again I was just one of the lucky ones to be able to see him for his true colors and how he really is
he has 4 other women that he is still communicating with that he claims he don’t know he calls them his fans because he does a lot of music and shows but they are really women that he messes around with I found out because I went to one of his show that he has done and I was yelling out that’s my baby I love you to him and as I alway do and the whole night 4 different woman has come up to me saying that who was I to him and that’s their man, of course, I didn’t believe it but they SHOWED PROOF OK of them sleeping together in videos and text messages and pictures of them being in a whole relationship and everything .

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