Priceline — Will not handle Airline cancellation for ticket I purchased

I purchased a ticket through Priceline to travel to Florida round trip. They fulfilled it with a combination of American Airlines and Alaska Airlines. A hurricane has caused the airport to close and flights to be cancelled. When I call Priceline they tell me I have to talk to the Airline directly. I purchased my ticket through Priceline thereby entering into a contract with Priceline. They are in breach of the contract as they are unable to fulfill the obligation to get me to my destination on the date it was booked. They should refund my money or at the least offer a credit. Instead they leave me with the responsibility of dealing with the Airline. When I try to call the airline it tells me I need to call back later and hangs up. I expect Priceline to deal with this and not to push it back to me to deal with. Even if I get to resolution with American Airline for my ticket there I am left holding the bag for the return trip which was part of the same purchase but fulfilled with Alaska airlines. Priceline needs to be accountable for the products they sell. Provide a refund

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