Priceline — Deceptive

On June 26th I received an email that my flight changed which would make me lose one full day of my honeymoon trip. I immediately called and they told me they would send an email to American Airlines to change the flights back to Friday and I was told to wait for an email, a whole month passed so I called back, this person was rude and told me since I call so much American Airlines declined changing my flight back. Noted only the 2nd time I’ve ever called. New person puts the request In and tell me wait a week and call back. I call back a little over a month. They tell me they haven’t gotten a response so they will put in another one and call back in 7 days. I call back week of my honeymoon and “supervisor” tell me the tickets were issued in June so there was no changes that could of been done. I’m like why for 3 months has no one said the tickets were issued. Super visor says if I would of called before they would of been able to put me on another flight but now there are none available. I look myself and see tons of flights available. She says the ones I’m seeing probably aren’t real… I’m like what!?! They simply did not want to help in any way. I am convinced person after person lied to me. They did not want me on another flight that would cost them any money so lied and said none were available. They offered no help, compassion or care on top of NO urgency. This trip means a lot to me, it’s my one and only honeymoon and I’ve been polite throughout the whole mess. To lie to a customer because you don’t want to help is insane. I will never again use Priceline for any trip! Deal with the airline or hotel yourself, they are more than accommodating and save yourself the head ache of countless calls and hours wasted. End of story price line does not care about their customers. Give a refund to my trip or find me a flight on my original date I had paid for.

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