Ponice Andre Robinson — Charleston, West Virginia

If anyone knows how to get in touch with Ponice’s mother , she needs to know how her daughter is pushing the father of her child out her life . Ponice realize this: you can’t make a man love you, child or not. You’re more concerned about having a man than being a parent. I told you I didn’t want you anymore now all of a sudden I’m blocked and I can’t ever be in my kid’s life again. We will be going to court someday I promise u that . No one wants to step in and tell u to do the right things your ppl watch you seek revenge against me. I understand I’ve hurt you and I’ve apologized. What more do you want from me ? All I asked is can we work together to make sure our daughter have a great Christmas and you blocked me what type of parent are you? Ponice will have man after man around my kid and I’m concerned she’s already had an intimate relationship with a Boss of hers claiming he liked her. Your boss though? She’s also had him holding my daughter. She is my prized possession, she is everything to me. I wish I could get full custody because that’ll be the only way I can be guaranteed a relationship with her. Listen you guys if you ever have a child with Ponice Robinson if it doesn’t work out you’ll never see your child

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