Pixonic — Stealing money

I’ve been playing War Robots for over 6 years, produced and published by Pixonic. For 6 years I have been complaining about the non-working of critical features in the game, against evildoers and cheaters. This game is classified as Pay to Win, despite being published for free. The Game itself is so evolutionary that at a certain point it is natural to be necessary to start buying game items to get that evolution compared to competitors. This is all normal. There is in this game the in-game report functionality, supposedly to be used whenever a player detects faults or abuses of other players, allowing players who are inactive, with inappropriate names, players who commit suicide (in-game) too often to participate, players with too much power for the league they belong to, players who intentionally cause difficulties to other players, and players who use “cheats” or other forms of illegitimate damage. This feature is presented at the end of each battle. There are a lot of players who use this feature, without success. There are numerous complaints sent daily to Pixonic’s technical support, for the non-functionality of in-game reports and also complaints from offending users. I try here to represent all those players who are excluded from the possibility of playing with clarity and fairness, given the clear and evident complicity of Pixonic with the offending players. This becomes more serious when players who pay tens or hundreds of dollars euros for game items, in order to obtain legitimate and adequate orders, are deprived of the benefits allegedly delivered by purchases due to the performance of Pixonic against the prevaricating players. The way of acting of the offending players is simple and quite notorious: Being in high leagues, they drop from the league, losing purposely, until they go down to lower leagues, then easily winning players who are starting or going through the natural evolution of the game, thus returning to rise to the higher leagues. Every time they do this and they do it several times a week, they become unbeatable and other players are forced to give up their time and money spent on the game as a waste. In practice, Pixonic steals money from these players, as it supports, and does nothing against, the offending players. It is urgent, on behalf of the entire War Robots gaming community, to force Pixonic to resolve this issue. As there is no single instance that can solve this problem, I ask you to ask for your help in the eventual handling of this complaint and, of course, they will be aware of others against the same company.

Best regards
António Dias

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