Pierre Rondell Shephard — Georgia

This man goes by the name Ron or Ditty, he’s a good listener and portrays a good character on the outside. Do not be fooled everything he says is a lie. He is from the South Bronx but has lived in Atlanta for quite sometime, living off of multiple women. He said he is divorce but is married and has 4 children which he denies having. He will say he has 18 brothers and sisters from the same parents, in which he has 2 sisters by his mother, and his father was in and out of prison and has multiple children. He may also be on the DL, Beware of this man and protect your home. He will try to get money out of you, he doesn’t have a car, and/or job and is basically homeless until a women opens their doors for him. He is a deadbeat dad, liar, and a cheater with no remorse.

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