Phaedra L Mhosira — Texas

This One Is Awful!!! Hide Your Men!!!! This unscrupulous immoral woman poses as different professionals in health care including nursing and even a counselor. She will take your man, your money, and dare you to do anything about it. She has slept with numerous married men and some doctors at a hospital she used to work with. I heard she counseled a wife, husband, and their kids, during martial issues and ended up sleeping with the husband, telling all the family information and personal issues. Then she married the man from the marriage she helped destroy. And check this – she is an ordained minister!!!! She actually marries people and claims she is clergy. I hope all her clients find out about her. de, This woman needs to be stopped. Oh and she is in her 40s, has two kids, and actively breaks up families and lies to children to build her own fake family. She lies about E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. She has even threatened bodily harm to her clients she is supposed to help once they find about her horrible mean and nasty ways. WATCH OUT HOUSTON – YOU’VE BEEN WARNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She likes to be flashy, wears long goody wigs, and is morbidly obese. We have to expose her foul and immoral ways. She is the absolute worse kind of being. She works for the Universal Life Church who ordained her. Shameful

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