Peter Farris — Farmington, Minnesota

This guy may be good looking on the outside and will butter you up and make you feel like you have found your prince charming. He talked to me for almost 2 weeks straight snap chatted me every day, screenshot my pics, was sweet to me and would call me every night it was almost too good to be true and he wanted to date me. He ends up saying it is too cold out to go out on a date and comes over with a bottle of wine and we get drunk I don’t remember much of that night but apparently, I had slept with him, and the next day he never called me and blamed me for being all over him? It takes two to tango buddy. He also kept deleting posts that I or he would tag me in, which seemed very sketchy he kept saying he didn’t know what happened. I am just warning all you women out there this guy is one of the biggest manipulators I have ever met and if you see him online or in-person run!!!! There is nothing there but lies, pain, and you girls can do so much better!! Peter Farris is his name!

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