— Took my money and banned me from their site

They have permanently banned me from their site for $897.23 of my unemployment funds being held past the 180 days which is on their policy. On August 7th, 2020 I received a direct deposit from unemployment in my PayPal account and On September 7, 2020, I received an email from PayPal saying they will no longer do business with me and they will hold my money for 180 days. According to their policy, they are allowed to do that. It has been over 180 days and what PayPal is NOT allowed to do is hold my money longer than the 180 days and ignore every phone call and email I send to them in regards to my funds. I have emailed them 3 times per week and De I am given an automated message just so they can ignore me. I have called and have been put on hold and hung upon. This is now how a business should operate and it is not right for them to hold people’s funds longer than their stated wait time. I am not the only individual with this complaint for there are many in their community dealing with this same exact thing and some people are lucky to even get a live agent to say something to them. This needs to be addressed immediately!

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