— PayPal Will Not Let Me Refund

I saw your request for someone to volunteer to update this site weekly. I currently hold A+, MSCDBA, Webmaster, HTML, and MS Office Certifications and have designed sites for well know corporations.

I am currently involved in my own war on Paypal and have personally been taken by them for over $10,000 AND made to look like a criminal by them. The difference in my case is that for one PayPal account I had for eBay auctions alone, I had 9 buyers who paid me via Paypal and who ALL are 100% behind me and willing to support me in any action I take.

I showed them what was really happening by taking screen shots that show me TRYING to refund their money and PayPal’s next page saying “You cannot provide buyer refunds at this time” We then conference called PayPal’s 800# getting nowhere (since none of the call center reps have any idea what the are doing) and ultimately calling the numbers you’ve posted above.

Initially, the buyers spoke alone without Paypal knowing I was on the line, at which point Paypal blamed me and said I had never tried to issue refunds, etc… Big Bad Evil Seller, right? So then I say hello and mention I have shown the buyers I tried to refund their money and was stopped by Paypal and ask “Since NONE of my 9 buyers filed any complaints and ALL have signed statements supporting me, and since you CLAIM to be holding their money for THEIR safety, why won’t you release it to THEM?” We were told to hold for a supervisor and after 2 minutes of hold-music, disconnected.

Bottom Line – Paypal is Seriously hurting Legitimate businesses, I have all the FACTS and Evidence to prove it, as well as a Noted Civil Rights Attorney whom I grew up with that, is taking this as far as it will go in hopes of at LEAST getting this all in National headlines and saving some people from feeding the beast.

In the Meanwhile, De It would be my distinct honor to help you by updating this site as frequently as 3 times each week. I have all the requisite qualifications and Paypal’s attorneys and security teams know my full name and my intention to expose their flaws. eBay as well, not only for its failure to clean Paypal up but also for making it WORSE…

Let me know what you think – Email me for my resume and I would be glad to help with updates AND with the financial burdens of a site this size…

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