— PayPal Steals Your Money

I understand PayPal needs a way to make money, too, but why should the money I receive from another person include a fee? De It would make more sense for the person paying to e required to shoulder the cost. Why should they get the option to gyp me?!

2 thoughts on “ — PayPal Steals Your Money

  1. I could not agree more Jane! What a rip-off Paypal is. They take a lot of money from vendors and businesses. I get paid via Paypal as an independent contractor and they snag quite a nice chunk of the money before I even see it.

  2. 100% agreement here! I can’t believe that we have to pay fees to Paypal for getting paid through PayPal. How does that even make sense? I do believe that the people that are paying you can pay the fee or they can push it to the payee. Either way, PayPal sucks for having such high fees.

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