— I was being scammed by a Chinese person

I was being scammed by a Chinese person, after I gave her my service she claimed a complaint against me and got her money back. I need a refund Dear…., I hope this email finds you well, I’m writing to you regarding the decision you have made about my case, I don’t believe that you took the decision against me because simply it’s me who’s getting scammed, I’ve explained my story before and I got an answer from your legal department asking for things that have nothing to do with the case .like URL for example, De I don’t have a website to provide a URL .please here’s my story again and I hope this time you will take the right and fair decision. This seller that he claims he didn’t receive his service as a buyer .he’s a seller on amazon and have a store on amazon, asked me to provide marketing for his product on amazon in exchange to refund me the price of his product, ( I will have his product for free if I like it and wrote a good review on amazon ) by trying his product and if I like it I have to write a good review with a 5-star rating. I did this service and he refunded me after he got the service he complained to receive his refund back after I already used his product. I tried to contact him to ask why he’s doing this and I got no answer, I contacted him by email ( attach a screenshot) and by texting on the PayPal account please review as I can’t retrieve it. Attach all screenshots to prove to myself that it’s me who’s being scammed. Thank you so much for your attention to my request, looking forward to hearing from you soon.

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