PayPal — A lying buyer can ruin it all for a seller

PayPal & ebay have suspended my account after only a total of 5 or 6 negative feedback in almost 2 years! Not to mention that several were NOT legitimate!! I went through a though time back in July 2013 taking care of my dying grandmother and my mother who was healing after major surgery, this was out of state. So when I got back I did the best I could to resolve any issues that might have arisen as well as refunding any money that might be due! Then three months later they tell me I am suspended indefinitely after a LIAR in another country said they didn’t get their item! However I tracked the package to where it was and let her know where it was so then all of sudden she stops communicating with me after several attempts I contact ebay and paypal and they email her several times as well, to no avail…now to ANY jerk off the street this would tell you that she received the item and never bothered to answer anyone because she had what she wanted meanwhile I was out about $100….I couldn’t believe they sided with her. Being on disability I am on a very tight income and rely on ebay to get through the month and now I can’t sell anymore??? This is crazy, I offered every solution but they would not work with me!!! Now I have lost my home because I can’t afford to live anymore and have been sleeping on a friends couch for months…

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