Patrick Phillip Paul Sarnowski — Alabama

I was with my ex husband for almost 10 years during which time he would repeatedly try to have *** and ask for sexual favors from my friends in front of my face. Some of these Skanks include Lisa Winters Huerta and Codi Morrow. which I am sad to say they did cheat with him. But what caused my divorce was I let my friend Beth Holt move in with her two small children bc they had no where to go. I found out about 2 weeks later from Beths mouth they were sleeping together. Patrick Phillip Paul Sarnowski is a sorry *** man. He also was having *** with our daughter when she was 13 she admitted to me. He married again after me to a woman named Christine and she later divorced him bc he was trying to screw her cousin at her family reunion after he had 15 Heineken. be ware of this man!!

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