Patrick G. Martens — Eagle, Wisconsin

Reels women in and spits them out. Treats his friends the same way. Makes a woman think he actually cares then ghosts. Cheated on his ex wife and many others, and when he wasn’t cheating, he was strictly involved with women in relationships or in a marriage. Has caused so many issues and changes vaginas every 2 or 3 months tops. Hates himself so he throws it onto everyone else…total junkie. Pills, crack, pot, whatever he fancies at that moment. Lives with his parents at almost 40 years old with a joke of a job. Mommy pays for everything. Don’t be fooled if he showers you with love and affection, claims you are the only one, and then disappears as quickly as he came onto you. He pretends to be sheepish and socially inept, but he knows exactly what he is doing. Puts on a silly yet polite persona, but I promise you it is all but a farce. Just stay away from this fatso, ladies.

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