Parkdean Resorts — Passive aggressive behavior

Good Morning, I wish to make a very strong complaint. I would be obliged if you could be put in touch with head office please as I cannot find the number. I have experienced nothing but bullying by management at the Naze Marine Walton On The Naze,. They have a beef with the previous owners who have failed to pay commission as required. I have signed all paperwork and been given my licence up to 31122047 dated 4th August 2021. This was at my welcome meeting that was not very welcoming at all. I ignored that as I’m not impressed with passive aggressive behaviour. . But that’s in the past. Tonight I received a call from the manager stating that Parkdean NO LONGER recognises me as the owner. As the previous owner owes money , the commission missing THEY are still the owners. This is threatening and menacing behaviour and I am NOT going to tolerate this. I have submitted a prenotification of sale and the Manager has said it went straight in the bin because I do not own the Lodge to sell……What Utter trite this is !! I will go to my solicitor and I will go to the press , media to highlight Parkdean’s nasty tactics on a paying customer. I have NOT broken any rules. This is a disgusting way to treat people. Bottom line – The manager lost the previous owners and they owe parkdean money. I DO NOT ! I have all my paperwork and receipt of purchase. I am selling the Home now as I am now getting divorced and have to leave the family home asap. I NEED the sale to move on. Otherwise I feel I may be homeless with ALL my money tied up in the lodge. Without doubt I have THE BEST pitch on site. Is that what these Tyrants really want ? Either Parkdean BUY my Holiday home and they can chase previous owners or Leave me alone and chase the previous owners. I DO NOT want to have any part of Parkdean in the future. I am upset, outraged and disgusted by the so called boy wearing managers trousers, I have instructed my solicitor to contact Parkdean and take this matter to hand. This has caused nothing but upset and sleepless nights. thank you for your time, I do appreciate it. I would Like a contact name and number for the Head office please. Yours Sincerely Keith Hanson. Apart from an written apology , I want the Parkdean to reprimand the manager here for his bullying and nasty tactics AND more importantly I want them to Purchase the Lodge so I can leave the site. I am disgusted by the way i have been treated here and would not recommend Parkdean to anyone. I am happy to contact press and local media detailing MY experiences here.

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