Paparazzi Accessories — Took my money and no product

I am an independent consultant for Paparazzi and have been having issues. During a few times I ordered from their website, sales stated they did NOT go through yet were taken from my bank account. I did (on several attempts) try to alleviate the situation by phone, email and facebook. During my phone calls, I was left on hold for 2-hour increments only to be hung up on (3 times), no reply from the contact me emails I left on their website, and even sent emails directly about this situation. I have recently seen that all of my attempts were ignored and items were shipped to me although I was very clear that I did not want the order. When the original order went through, I placed a second order to fix this so now, again, I have two orders. My issue is I have no way of contacting the company as they seem to always be busy, order issues are ignored and consultants are left holding the bill.

Paparazzi Accessories
4771 S Astragalus Dr
Saint George, UT 84790-1396
(855) 697-2727

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