Panera Bread — I was treated barley unfairly when I worked there

So I worked at Panera from September of 2020 to the end of October 2021 and it was a mixed experience. I’ll just say that towards the end I hated it. So the first month or so was ok but then for some reason, they started putting me on the dish which is a job no one wants because they said I had a grey personality. They told me I didn’t have the right personality to talk to the customers and I know that’s bs because there were several other employees that were Terrible to customers. Another thing that happened in the summer of 2021 was everyone was getting raises except for me. It was so ridiculous someone who Had not called no-shows because he was too tired to work got a dollar raise because he threatened to quit. Regardless I told them I would quit if they didn’t do the same for me. Anyway, my raise was approved but never went through for some reason I had asked several managers to no avail. Which is another thing wrong with the store, the management is pretty bad. They say they will do something and then don’t do it it’s really frustrating and sometimes they even change the schedule without telling anyone. ( I’ve had this happen to me like 3 times) one of those times they said I no called no-showed on a day I was not even scheduled to work. I could go on for hours but I’ll just tell the story of how I was fired. So I had requested to move stores because I hated this one and Wade approved it but said I would have to wait to sever weeks to a month. I was fine with that but when that several weeks to a month became over two months I was getting ******. Mainly because a different coworker had wanted to transfer at the same time I did and a manager from a different store told me she was supposed to go to his store but never showed up. So why did her transfer come in and I had to wait almost 2 and a half months. ( no clue) anyway, a few weeks ago I thought I had Tuesday off but apparently, I didn’t and the store said they tried to call me but it never went through I guess because I never got the call. I even showed a manager this the next day and she said she would tell them. Nothing happens so I guess they didn’t care. In the photo I’m sending as proof they said they called on Tuesday but as u can see I never got one.

Matthew Eaton

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