Oscar Saavedra — Canada

I’m one of the other woman who knows him for many many years we were close friends and good friends with the family. He is a very slick and smooth talking man he flirts with everyone he comes across and has no trouble giving his number out to anyone who comes him time of day. Our relationship changed and it became weird when you now his family. I have watched him hit on neighbours relatives and other friends the man has no scruples and not one ounce of memories or thought of his wife and kids it’s all about himself and is known for lying all the time. If you come across this man ran he is not worthy of the woman he has already or any other woman. The one he is with at the moment is a piece of work and continues to pressure him and doesn’t seem to care about his wife and kids.

3 thoughts on “Oscar Saavedra — Canada

  1. This person who has put this on this website why don’t you stop hiding behind this website. Why don’t face this the person instead of giving behind this. Before you are accusing these person get the facts before you post anything. There is always two sides to the story. You probadly took only one side of the story, have you talk to the person to get his side of story. I bet you haven’t right, you probadly went on one-sided of story.
    If you can post this face the person you are accusing of being a cheater.
    For your information get the whole story before you start accusing this person and make this person look in front of the world and ruin aims life.
    A Random person.

  2. Well big mouth couldn’t respond cat cut your fingers. You must a ***** who likes to get involve in somebody elese business becuase you couldn’t resolve you own. If you are what say you are being close to the family then you would know both individuals. Base on what you wrote about only the male part of it , you made out to ne that she is the innocent one right. She wouldn’t hurt a fly. I big to differ on that I seen people true colors when push the right buttons.
    So big mouth why don’t you and confront the person you are writing about so that he can defend himself and you can hide behind thus website.

  3. This is the random person who also knows both individual as well but I know more than you than you think. May be you should ask her who is “DONNADIVA” also ask her were does she goes shopping for men to have *** with.

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