Orville Ines — Winnipeg, Canada

Orville is one of the worst people I’ve ever met. He is abusive both verbally, emotionally, and physically to women and also the people he works with. He used to work at Bar Italia. I have no idea how he lasted that long. He’s also probably a rat. He’s around every person that gets busted. I’ve know him to throw girlfriends down the stairs. Punch them. Take their phones away. And verbally demean them in front of friends. No one stands up to him and it’s disgusting. I’ve watched him treat my friends like this several time’s but he puts people under this spell which makes no sense because he’s a broke loser. He’s got a sh1tty apartment, filled with messy garbage and a pill problem. He makes everyone around him feel like absolute trash meanwhile the nicest thing he has is a sh1tty old BMW that isn’t even paid off, while having a negative credit score hahah also he’s horrible to his parents. This guy can crawl away and disappear and any one that disagrees with this can go too because you’re sticking up for a women beater. I didn’t believe In cancelling people until this guy. He’ll demand you apologize until you’re crying then say “say less” I’m sorry but spending the best years of your life bartending at Bar Italia then having absolutely NOTHING to show for it makes you a loser. Especially while you have a *** complex trapped inside a 140 lb pill addicted life long loser body such as his.

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