Opodo — Unable to discuss issues

I have had a flight cancelled and I am unable to get through to the customer service team as they are only speaking to customers who are travelling within 14 days. As my flight is cancelled, I’m not travelling to my destination at the moment. I have requested a refund but I am unsure if that refund is for the whole trip or just the cancelled trip. I won’t be able to get a refund for our accommodation and am still eager to go, but don’t want to double pay for flights or book a flight without knowing if I’ll get a refund. Given Covid-19, I understand that everyone is busy, but everyone also needs help and without being able to speak to someone about this, my anxiety has increased. I have looked at the options on the chatbot which are useless as it says my fight still isn’t cancelled. however, when speaking to Easyjet, they ed that it definitely is. Contact me to explain what is actually happen and what we can do

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