Opodo — Alitalia tickets for £273.26 (dates of flights 29th October to 3rd November)

On the 5th of October, I booked two tickets online with Opodo for a flight from London to Rome on the 29th of October and back on the 3rd of November. Alitalia was not booking any tickets beyond 15th October yet Opodo booked these tickets with Alitalia. When I discovered that Alitalia is not booking any tickets after the 15th of October, I contacted Opodo on the 7th of October (within two days) and asked for a refund. First, they said there will be no refund and after I insisted, they said they contacted the airline and I could wait up to 6 months for a refund. I expect an immediate full refund of £273.26 since they knew they should not have sold me these tickets when they knew Alitalia was bankrupt and was not booking flights beyond 15th October. I also canceled well before 2 weeks of the flight departure date which is the 29th of October. The booking ation reference is: 8080681192

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