One in a million. (HOPEFULLY)


1. Liar
2. Cheater (got caught when: SEE #3
3. Has STDs because she sleeps with anything apparently. CLASSY!
4. Manipulator
5. Emotionally unstable (I LOVE YOU, I HATE YOU! STAY FOREVER! GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT! IM SORRY, IM NOT SORRY) then theres still 23 1/2 hours left in the day to try and get through! WTF!
6. Mentally unstable (several VERSIONS of sage available dependant apon time of day. De Latter in the day the more alcohol has been consumed).
7. Mentally/emotionally abusive
8. Physically abusive
9. Alcohol Dependent
10. Lousy in bed.
11. Creates fictitious stories in her head and. believes them to be true no matter the facts.
12. Self proclaimed sexual conqueror of men ( 52 ) she claims shes slept with. Probably more as i have no idea how many she was with after or even DURING our “comitted” relationship. Weve been apart for roughly 30 days now.

My advice if you cross paths with SAGE TYLER RECCO? either move slowly and avoid direct eye contact at all costs as you may burst into flames (which would be better than dating/being involved with her), what i would do is lay down and play dead or faint a heart attack. She would walk right past and notice you not because she feels nothing for nothing no one but herself. Herself at all times. Herself at all costs.

Good luck to whomever poor schmuck she devours next! This A-hole of a gal makes Lucifer a saint by comparison.

For a complete list of what you can expect on a daily basis, see below.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Grandiose sense of self importance

Fantasies of unlimited success, power, love

Belief he/she is special and unique

Need for excessive admiration

Sense of entitlement

Interpersonally exploitative behavior

Lack of empathy

Envy of others, or others envy him/herArrogant and haughty behaviors

Borderline Personality Disorder

Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment

Unstable and intense interpersonal relationships

Identity disturbance


Recurring suicidal behavior

Emotional instability in reaction to day-to-day events

Chronic feelings of emptiness

Inappropriate, intense anger

Transient, stress-related paranoid or severe dissociative symptoms

Histrionic Personality Disorder


Constantly seeking reassurance or. approval

Inappropriately seductive appearance or behavior.

Rapidly shifting emotional states that appear shallow

Overly concerned with physical appearance

Opinions are easily influenced by other people

Excessive dramatics, exaggerated displays of emotion.

Tendency to believe that relationships are more intimate than they actually are

Highly suggestible

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