Oksana Potapchik — Niagara Falls, Canada

So here’s the Scoop, I met this chick Oksana Potapchik on tinder , we get together for drinks a couple hours later she’s telling me she wants to have ***.im all in, so we headed back to her place. She lives with her parents (kinda weird for a 30 year old) anyway we hit up on a small broken twin bed, she was horrible btw. Lol, after all is said and done she tells me I owe her $100 for the ***, I refuse she started flipping out, her grandma comes in , starts yelling this is t your husband and asks if she’s floozing again like last time. I take my chance and start to leave. Thank *** I got out. But I found out 2 weeks later I ended up with drd from this woman. This picture was taken after *** the other two are from the tinder site in Niagara Falls Ontario Canada . Beware of this sloot, drd and is a literal cheap horrible floozy. Be safe all.

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