Nintendo switch online

Is your marketing team stupid or something? $50 for a single person?? The family plan makes sense, being about $80, cause if you have a filled family plan with 8 people on it, it comes to $9.99 for each person for 12 months…So why is the single plan $50?!!? This has to be the worst marketing nightmare ever, and your plan only allows online play, and no other benefits?? no built-in voice chat? no dedicated online chat??, you guys are soo far behind your competition it’s laughable…, forget the free DLC, there are a ton who don’t care about animal crossing or the N64 emulator…, what is 1 person even paying for at $50 a year??? to play games multiplayer?? that’s it? have to use their cell phone to use voice chat? that makes no ******* sense…Wtf is wrong with your marketing team Nintendo, stop ripping off your fan base, your **** is not worth as much as you think it is, you were once thought of as the most cost-effective console maker, just to rip us off more than PS and Xbox combined……For one, get your dumb marketing team together and figure this out, cause someone ****** up your dumb math.


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