Nina Le Kemi Le — Vancouver, Canada

Wussssup, u see these 2 gold-digging sisters, hoeing around sleeping with men to get money. The older sister Nina Le tried to be a pornstar before but failed so miserably that the pix turned out to look like a man with a wig. Her kids all look like they have down syndrome just like her face. The younger sister is notorious for cheating and sleeping with guys that have gfs. She’s sleeping with grandpas to get money to fund her lavish trips. Recently the one to Vietnam and Iceland was paid for by an old man she met online and exchanged *** for money. The sad part is that she was trying so hard to follow in her older sister’s footsteps to be a **** star but didn’t make the cut because she was too fat. Both sisters are major hoes in Vancouver. Can’t judge how they are, they obviously weren’t raised right. Just look at their brother. Michael Le the rat that got out of jail early for pointing fingers for surrey six. Now in hiding in Vietnam and thinks no one can touch him. Get real and open your eyes to the world. It ain’t your oyster and close those stank legs

9 thoughts on “Nina Le Kemi Le — Vancouver, Canada

  1. Nina is the biggest scammer out there she’s so selfish and only cares about herself. She s so good at scamming people off by playing the victim card and don’t gives a **** about anyone. She took 20k from me and when I try to ask it back she goes ohh. My ex owns me money so ask him. Last year on June. She wants to borrow 6k from me. When I told her no. She even drove all the way to Vancouver just to beg. And then I told someone about her scam. And then she goes oh our friendship is over. Hay ugly ***** what about the 20k. *****. But she no. She only cares about her. She ask money from people no matter where they are at. I was at my friends funeral once. And she try to ask for 600. So people please watch out. And when u can’t get her the money. She makes u feels guilty. Shes pure evil. And greedy and selfish. So watch out for her.

    1. Also dam man. Nina the ugly poen ***** is in some kinda **** Asian doll 18. I’ve believe. I don’t think she made any money. She’s a pure evil ****. She’s even try to make her lil sister into doing ****. What a ugly *****. Last time I try to ask my money back She’s like no u only give me 20$ from 1600. What an ugly **** huh. Ugly ****. Don’t worry karma will get her. And yet I still wants my ******* money. Especially from an ugly **** star wanna be 2 face goldigging. And oh ya that ***** has 3 faces. Dam. Man. I can’t wait till the day. When her kids find out she’s doing ****. What an waste of life. And she also has a lil boy. Dam he looks like a future crack head. When I saw him. I was like yep he’s gonna od one day. Hay ugly **** I till wants my money.

    2. She’s so selfish that she actually told me that. Oh if it weren’t for the money that u have given me. I would of never talk to you. And what’s so bad is that everytime when things happend to me. She would of beg for money. She even told me that. See I am here for you which no one else is. So that I am entitled to borrow 1k from you. Also she is the biggest liar out there. And she actually think it’s funny. She a selfish low life pornstar wanna be. I give her money my whole life due to my stupidity and my addiction which she took advantage off. But then just over one instance that I don’t want to be taken advantage off and that I told someone. And she actually got mad and have the audacity to tell me that friendship is over. And that if I never give her money she would of never talk to me. What a ugly **** pornstar wanna be. Lol.

  2. I cant believe that people are like the
    ******* vietnmese people. I guess they re right. Are pure evil people. Dam man. AMERICA SHOULD OF NUKED U GUYS. and win the ugly war and u think u guys won vs America. Lol. America would of whipped u guys out of the maps. If it weren’t for CNN. Anyhow. Nammers are all scam 2face *******. They will use you when u do good. And when ur doing bad they will try to get the most of the advantage cause ur doing bad so guess what they will make sure ur not gonna get up. And they will have all ur money. And more. They invented the word 2face
    And Nina le u ******* ugly *****. U think I backstabbed you. Are u a stupid ******. Ur so selfish that u only gives a **** about what people do for you. And you just take take take. And one day. When someone stopped. Then u go ohh friendship is over. I know u never gives a shiet about people. But don’t scare them be a human tell them ahead of time. 2 face. Will Karam on ur kids. Trust me.

  3. Also she would of beg when she wants money and lie so hard man. She actually even said ohhh Lexis private school is gonna kick her out. I really need 10k. Pleaseeeee. Lol. I called the school. They told me that they don’t kick kids out especially during the pandanmic. And also I found out that the ugly ***** Nina blow her mortgage and that she spend money on the dumbest things again. Cause she’s so lazy and stupid to work. And her ego makes her think that she the queen of Vietnam. And that people should only give her whatever she wanted. Also did I mentioned that she ripped everyone off in Van so she has to move to Calgary and she still use her kids to try to rips me off. Thts what an ugly evil ***** looks like people. Take a good look at Nina le.

  4. She even blow her sisters credit card and was like ill pay u back tomorrow. And also. She’s so ******* low that she actually called me mother. My mom. And was like ohhh Terry owns me about 6k. And he told me that you will pay me back. It’s not my money it’s my husband’s money. Can you give me some money for now. Even like 500 will be OK for now. Thats how low that ugly ***** Nina is. Hay people from Calgary please watch out for her.

  5. And ohh I told her I would of pay for her ugly Kids school in the future once she’s in college. Two years ago. That selfish ugly **** Nina goes ohh I need money in advance from Lexi cause you said you will give me then. Just give me 5k and minus that out in the future. Don’t worry Lexi would understand. Wow so ******* low. What an logic. First of all logically I want to wait when she’s 20 and is actually doing good in school not just like ohhh take money and party like you. Also by the way ur babysitting her. Dam who knows if she might be and drug addict *****. But since ur been Nina the ugly pornstar wanna be scammer ugly *****. I am really sorry for ur kids man. Just hopefully they don’t end up like you. And ugly ****.

  6. Dam that ugly ***** also try to scam me as well. By asking my brother for money. She scammed 400 from me last year. And then she tries to get my brother to pay her car insurance. What an ugly ****.

  7. Nina is the biggest nacist ***** in the whole world. All she thinks is herself. Way more than anyone else. And she’s the fakes person that I have ever met. She goes ohh give me some money I am so broke. Yo know what’s so sad is that selfishness is a a serious flaw in addiction. But since the ugly ***** doesn’t have any addiction that makes her just pure evil. Even all her so called friends left her cause of her greediness of money. All she think is money. That’s y she is so selfish. I was at my friends funeral once and she’s spam calling me for 600. And I was like I’m at a funeral. And then she goes. Ohh just give me the 600 then I’ll leave u alone. And oh how did ur friends die. Anyhow. Oh never mind when can I get the money.. she’s so evil. So everyone please watch out. Just watch her on Asian doll 18. She actually did **** for 800$. And she then wanted to borrow money from me to remove her pics online. She wanted to borrow 10k. From me. But what’s so funny is that. I know that shes not gonna use it to remove the pics. But spend on something dum. She’s also so stupid and bought a 500$ pair of shoes for a 6 month old. Hay selfish ugly pornstar wanna be ****. Can u please just cut urself and die. Cause no one cares about you. ****. And everyone knows that u weren’t raised right. Also. Just to grab 6k from me she’s so dum she actually drove all the way to Van. And lol. She’s so stupid that she actually blames me for not wanting to get scammed again. Ugly ****. She’s like ohh he promised to give money. And made me drove all the way to Van wated my gas. I’m gonna sue him. Cause she actually told me that she wanted to sue me. For not giving her money. Hay stupid ****. Please just die.

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